Name ?
My name is Ida-Maria Lehto.
Age ?
I'm 18 years old.
Where you live ?
I live with my family in Uppsala, Sweden.
When did you start a blog and why?
I started my cheerelading blog in april 2009. I had thought about starting one for a couple of months, and eventually I did! I wanted a place where I could upload my pictures and make people see those, and at the same time spread the interest in cheerleading.
What are blog pros and cons?
The best thing is the positive feedback I get from people in comments and in real life. A disadvantage is that it takes a lot of time to write posts, edit pictures etc.
What teams you follow?
I follow almost all the teams in Sweden, of course. Look at their websites, blogs, Facebook-pages and so. Also some teams from Scandinavia and Europe. I follow around 10-15 teams from United States.
I follow almost all the teams in Sweden, of course. Look at their websites, blogs, Facebook-pages and so. Also some teams from Scandinavia and Europe. I follow around 10-15 teams from United States.
Do you have a favorite team? If you have, why ?
I have different favorites each year actually, but there are some teams that has been my favorites for a long time. World Cup Shooting Stars, with their amazing skills and creative routines. Georgia Allstars who also have creative routines and they're always clean. Have to say Top Gun too, because of their crazy skills! And I'm a big fan of Victor and Kristen Rosario, owners of Top Gun.
What do you do competitions? How many competitions have you been?
I take a lot of photos, so I always see the routines thru the camera, which kind of suck because you don't get the same feeling. Some teams I video tape too, so I can look after. But most teams come up on YouTube, thankfully :) I often write about the routines, what I thought about them. I uploading the pictures and the videos on the blog and I'm always updating with the result from the competition too.
I'm not sure how many competitions I've been to. Swedish Regional’s (Middle of Sweden and Stockholm) 2005-2010, Swedish Nationals 2006-2010, Finnish Nationals 2010, one Norwegian competition 2008 and Europeans 2007, 2009 and 2010.
I'm not sure how many competitions I've been to. Swedish Regional’s (Middle of Sweden and Stockholm) 2005-2010, Swedish Nationals 2006-2010, Finnish Nationals 2010, one Norwegian competition 2008 and Europeans 2007, 2009 and 2010.
Other things you might want to know:
I'm cheering for the team USC (Uppsalaflickorna Spirits), my team is called Tom Cats and we're competing in senior intermediate. I'm also coaching a pee wee intermediate team called Spitfires.
I can switch between being a main base, side base and backspot. I prefer backspoting, but it doesn't really matter. I've been competing as all three :)
I'm cheering for the team USC (Uppsalaflickorna Spirits), my team is called Tom Cats and we're competing in senior intermediate. I'm also coaching a pee wee intermediate team called Spitfires.
I can switch between being a main base, side base and backspot. I prefer backspoting, but it doesn't really matter. I've been competing as all three :)
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Ida-Maria is main base. |
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Ida-Maria is in the middle with the trophy. kuvat/ photos © Ida-Maria Lehto |
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